I've always heard that two is better than one. Two dollars - better than one. Two donuts - WAY better than just one. But two kids in diapers - NOT better than just one. NOT AT ALL.
Sophie has been interested in sitting on the potty for about six months now. But actually using the potty - not so much. I had put her in undies for a day or two before, but she had an accident and we threw them in the garbage (I'd WAY rather throw out a pair of undies than rinse poop out of them. How did people LIVE without disposable diapers????). Since then, she showed no interest in wearing anything other than a diaper. Until she saw the swim diapers in her closet. They're just like a pull up - decorated cute and pull up and down like real undies. She loved them. But then, she found out they are very different from a diaper.
Early this week, she got up, picked out a swim diaper to wear and was off and playing for the day. Then, something went wrong. She came in the kitchen screaming, crying and doing the strangest little dance (similar to the hokey pokey with a look of horror on her face). She had pottied in the swim diaper and, since a swim diaper is good at holding in solid things but letting anything else out, her legs were "all wet and icky". I gave her a bath, then we had a good long talk about why all big kids wear undies, and then we put a pair of undies back on her. She hasn't had an accident since. I'm so proud of her. And in this case, only have one baby in diapers, is way better than two.
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
6 days ago