Sunday, August 16, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

I love having a big family. I love the movie parties on the big couch. I love waking up in the morning with at least two parents, two kids and a dog in the bed together. I love the noise (usually....okay, only sometimes), and I love that we have a birthday almost every month of the year.

Sam turned fourteen yesterday. She is such an amazing, incredible, beautiful, talented, smart young woman. I have so many fond memories of her. Sam was born early in the morning via c-section. She was premature and weighed only 4 lbs. 12 oz. She was so tiny!! Tiny toes, tiny fingers, tiny little body....but BIG personality and a great BIG heart with so much love to give. One of Sam's best qualities is to see the best in people. She has a christlike love for so many, and forgives so easily....It is my goal to try to be more like her in those areas.

As Sam has grown up, she has become even more beautiful and fun. I'm so lucky to say that she is not only my daughter, but one of my very best friends. She can make me laugh, cry, scream, tear my hair out, and feel like my heart is going to burst open from all of the love that I have for her. I cherish every moment with her, the good and the bad. And luckily we have much more good than bad.

I know that as she grows up, we're going to have some growing pains. She's wanting to spread her wings, and I'm wanting to hang on to her for dear life. I have a quote in my room that says "It is the wise mother that gives her child roots and wings." I want to be that wise mother. I want to see her grow up into the beautiful woman that I know she will become. I want to skip over all of her future heartache for her. I want to protect her forever.

It's starting to become clear to me just how much Heavenly Father must ache for each of us when we leave his presence. He knows the trials that we will face. He knows that we have the ability to do great things in life. But how hard it must be for Him to watch as we make mistakes and falter. And then, how great it must be when we turn to Him and let Him wrap us in His arms and love us unconditionally. I want to be like my wise Father in Heaven. I want to guide, to teach, to allow her to make mistakes, and have confidence that she will, with guidance, grow into the woman that Heavenly Father intends her to be. She has her roots, and hopefully they get a little deeper every day. Now, I just need to give her just a little bit of room to fly.

Sammy, I love you. I want you to know that I love our Heavenly Father and our brother, Jesus. They are both always there for you no matter what the problem. I know that the Spirit will help to guide you and will be there for you in times of need. And I want you to know that you will always and forever be my little Sammy Wammy! I am always here for you as well. We might not always see everything eye to eye, but my love for you never weakens. It grows stronger every day. You are a fantabulous young woman and I'm proud to have you as my daughter!

I love you forever xoxoxo :)


  1. You are a beautiful writer and an amazing mother! How eloquently said. Happy birthday to your spunky, fiesty, gorgeous, sweet, lovable Sam. I love knowing her and watching her example. She is amazing!

  2. I remember seeing her for the first time and being amazed at how little she was. I did not know they came so little. We won't mention how little you were just after having her either!

    Reading this makes me cry. You have changed so much in our life long friendship. You are an amazing friend and even more amazing mother. I am proud to call you my longest friend!

    Happy Birthday Sam! I don't see you much, but your mom brags about you all the time. You two are so much a like! Keep her humble for me and thanks for the laughs she gives me (we laugh with you not at you)!
