Friday, October 9, 2009

Want to be - Like Bree

I've decided that I want to be like Bree. She is such a cute, happy, and VERY friendly baby. Goes to bed with a smile, wakes up with a smile. The only time that she ever gets really sad and angry is when the chocolate is gone (aren't all women like that??).

The other day I was outside doing yard work. I wasn't necessarily happy to be doing it - I had lots of other things that were way more important, but my yard has turned into a jungle. It HAD to be done.

Bree came out with me and was just happy as a clam - especially when cars would drive past. She would turn and wave - with both hands high in the air and a smile. It made me smile. Then I started noticing that it was making the drivers smile, too. What could be better than having a cute, chubby baby (with dimples, might I add) wave to you with a huge smile on her face?

I decided to make a goal. I want to be like Bree. Do I have to know someone to be friendly, wave and smile? I don't think so. Some days we could all use a wave and a smile. So, if you see me outside waving and smiling, just know- I'm happy to be trying to be like Bree

Parent Teacher Conference

Yesterday was Parent Teacher Conference for my boys. The boys were excited for me to go and I was hoping that I would get good reports from all of their teachers. But, it didn't happen.

I heard GREAT things about them!!!

I don't normally brag (okay, sometimes just a little!), but these little men of mine are just fabulous!!! Bradyn has three fabulous teachers: one for music, one for science, and a core teacher. How did I get so lucky to have all great teachers? I don't know...but I'm not questioning it. All of them told me how amazingly smart my boy is. But that was not the best part of the report. EVERY ONE of his teachers repeatedly told me that not only his he very smart, but so, so kind to everyone - even the girls. Do reports get any better than that?? I don't think so.

Next was Joshua. Same thing (but only from one teacher - music teacher was gone) as Bradyn. Great student and a VERY nice boy! Such good reports. Such a fantastically happy mom.

Somehow, somewhere, in the midst of all my shortcomings and setbacks as a mother, my sons have still managed to learn good manners, being kind and helping everyone that they can - even the girls. I'd like to take credit for this, but I can't. It's just how they are. They are the nicest, smartest, funnest, funniest, most handsome boys that this planet has ever seen. I don't know how I got lucky enough to have them sent to me, but I'm grateful every day of my life for them.

Way to go, boys!! Keep up the good work! Love you tons - Never change!!